(Some more pics of Bypass taken from my cell phone just for .... all of you..)
Hi All,
I was really Overwhelmed by the response on bypassians ,
I am happy to say the hit counter has crossed 60 after the day I had posted the blog. Thanks to all the bypassians visiting this blog.
I urge all of you to leave a trail of yourself on this blog.... you can do this by any of the following ways,
1) You can post your comments (link next to each posting)
2) You can sign my guestbook (you can find it on the right end saying "sign my guest book")
3) You can also mail me - (somu.sk@gmail.com OR somukorannavar@yahoo.com)
I have recived lot of encouraging comments from many bypassians.....
After seeing the comments I was really charged to post more articles and pics on the blog.
The comments ....really are boosting our motives and helping me come up with more updates on the blog,
I also request to all bypassians to mail me the name and email-Id's of themselves as well as the people whose names are missing from the list.
Here are some of the bypassians who have sent me their views ,
Narahari , Girish Gowda, Vikram, Sreenath Narasimha Murthy,
After Girish Gowda's comment I am going to update the list of Bypassians you can see that next to the Dedication (at the top of the blog)
and here are their comments ;
1) From Narahari (Sr Bypassian ..)
Hope you remember me...its great man....good work..
Post more pics if you have please...
I shall publish this to the aecians group...
Narahari2) From Jayesh - ( Permenent Bypassian...)
Hey Somu,
It was really nice to see all of you..I could recollect the old memories. Mailnly the late night studies..and the Maggi Noodles and lemon rice by Prashant. Giri's adventures..when he got a thon in his hand....and many more
3) From Girish Gowda ( Co Bypassian)
Hi Guys,
Girish Gowda here.
Seems like you have forgotten many other people. Vikram Rao, Johnlee, Bhatta, Santosk Shanbagh, Sai. Please update their names also ;).
Good that you have posted this on the blogger. Keep blogging.
I remember many things - Lakshmi talkies morning show, rainy days when almost everybody would not keep well, the discussions we used to do - only about the next dose of food ;).
OK Will blog more soon.
4) From Vikram ( Co Bypassian)
nice job somu....
i enjoyed and really all those memories came flashing in front of my eyes....
that's true.. the days we enjoyed at the bypass, ramu's canteen, the highway bridge, was something different...
Keep writing .....
1 comment:
Hi All,
Girish Gowda again.
I can be accessible on girishgowda123@gmail.com.
Soma great that you have started this blog. It was very nice to see. Thanks to Sreenath to send me the link.
So how r all others doing?
Vicky - where r u now?
Where is Bhatta & Srinidhi's names?
How could Sameera forget their names?
Had anybody else travelled to Bhatkal?
Do keep blogging.
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